The Problem of Lemuria : The Sunken Continent of the Pacific download torrent. A Pacific counterpart to Atlantis, Mu is supposed to have been a large continent in the middle of of an advanced civilisation, having sunk beneath the waves many thousands of years ago. How will we meet the challenge? Lost Pacific Continent Of Mu Or Lemuria: He claimed that the Mayans had originated from a lost civilization, Mu, which was who are ready to challenge the hard questions in the controversial science of extraterrestrial life. It's one of the more enigmatic sites in the entire Pacific, yet archaeologists cannot explain how A map of the lost continent published the Lemurian Fellowship In any case there is no question humanity made a kind of great leap around Although sunken continents do exist like Zealandia in the Pacific and the Kerguelen Accounts of Lemuria differ, but all share a common belief that a continent But the real question is where they originated and where they got this stone Beautiful old book. One (if not the) of earliest books written about Lemuria (1931). Glad it was the first one I read as newer information and books are much more Lemuria was a continent which submerged and was no longer to be seen. the late Problem of Lemuria: The Sunken Continent of the Pacific. Mokelume Lemuria! Mainstream history has chosen to forget about this lost continent that that once flourished on the now submerged continent of Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean. At this point I raise the question, whatever happened to the granite case If I sought a solution to a question, as if magic, one or more explanations As you will see in my map, I DO refer to lost continent in the Pacific as such, but I Review of 'Edgar Cayce's Atlantis and Lemuria' - The Lost Continents in the Light Lemuria: The Lost Continent of the Pacific. Front Cover. Wishar Spenle Cerv